Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Finding That New Home Business Or Online Business Opportunity Starts With Opening Your Mail

Happy New Year, 2014 Is Here ...
And so are 30 results from my Google Alerts that I posted late last night.
I need to mention a few things about how I use Goggle & Yahoo alerts.
                                   After listing your search term, there's a dropdown box for Result Type.
I use the "Everything" option.  
Next you have the option of "how often" you want your alerts to be delivered to you.
I like the "As It Happens" option, since I check my email quite often during the day.
Next comes the "How Many Results" box.
I prefer the "All Results" option. I can filter out the results that don't interest me.
And lastly there's a box for "Deliver To" options.
Once again since I check my email so often during the day either on my cell phone
 or on my home computer,
the choice I choose is by delivery to my "Email Box".
Like I said earlier, when I woke up this morning, I had 30 different Google alert results from my Alert inquiries that I posted around midnight last night.
   Next, comes opening the mail ...
Money Hunter Blog

How To Find Financial Independence With A Home Based Business Or Over The Web With Google And Yahoo Alerts

My New Years Resolution for this year is to find Financial Independence through making money with an "Home Based" Business, or over the Internet / web.
My first step to finding a home based biz, or a legit way to make money over the Internet,
is to set up alerts with my Google account (Google Alerts). I used terms like "Making Money Online", "Working At Home", and "Home Based Business" , to mention a few.

Here's a great "How To" link I found to explain just how to setup, and use Google Alerts.

Just a note, Yahoo offers their version of alerts too.

How To Yahoo Alerts:

So over the next few days I'll be looking at my alert results to see if I used the correct search terms for finding what I'm looking for ...

Money Hunter Blog